DiscoverAbility, New Jersey’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Disability Employment Project

January 1, 2006

Management and oversight of DiscoverAbility, the State of New Jersey's comprehensive program to increase the employment of persons with disabilities.

Between 2006 and 2012, the Heldrich Center worked closely with the State of New Jersey to complete various tasks related to the state’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) program. In 2008, the Heldrich Center worked with the state to undertake and complete its first strategic plan to increase the employment of persons with disability entitled, DiscoverAbility: New Jersey's Strategic Plan to Create a Comprehensive Employment Systems for People with Disabilities. In 2009, the Heldrich Center worked with the state to design a data dashboard using state administrative data to track progress on employment opportunities for adults and youth with disabilities into employment through major state and federal programs. From 2010 to 2012, the Heldrich Center co-managed the MIG to its conclusion in 2012. Activities included working with the State of New Jersey to conduct a leadership support program; to establish and implement a series of online trainings and in-person regional learning networks for community-based providers and local Workforce Investment Boards and One-Stop Career Centers; to support the development and maintenance of the state’s disability benefits planning website; to conduct applied research on various topics related to disability employment including the areas of transportation, effective service delivery systems, and employer partnerships; and to provide staff support to the state DiscoverAbility leadership team.


A Strategy for Getting People with Disabilities to Work: Supporting New Jersey County Transportation, Final Report

Attitudes and Beliefs of Job Development Professionals toward Employers

Connecting to Jobs By Connecting to Transit: Final Report

DiscoverAbility Dashboard 2008: Employment of People with Disabilities

DiscoverAbility NJ – New Jersey’s Strategic Plan to Create a Comprehensive Employment System for People with Disabilities: Final Public Progress Report

Job Developer Types, Placement Practices, and Outcomes

Strategies Used by Employment Service Providers in the Job Development Process: Are they Consistent with What Employers Want?


Asset-Based Coaching Webinar - Presentation

Disclosure Webinar - Presentation

Interviewing Webinar - Presentation

Job Leads Webinar - Presentation

Microenterprises Webinar - Presentation

Role of Public Transportation as a Job Access Mode Webinar - Presentation

Using LinkedIn for Branding Webinar - Presentation

Using Social Media in the Job Search Webinar - Presentation

Work Category
Funded By
A grant from Cornell University and the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy