Research on Education and Training for Older Workers

February 11, 2015

Research on skills training and education for older workers.

In 2014, the Heldrich Center conducted research that explored a range of issues related to skills training and education for older workers, including the challenges older workers face when deciding whether to enroll in education and training programs, and, if so, how to choose a program and pay for it. The report examined the vast array of education and training options at postsecondary institutions, employers, and community-based organizations, and the resources available to help older workers make informed selections. It reviewed education and training financing options that may be available to older workers. Emerging trends in education and training that may benefit older workers were also highlighted. Based on the research findings, the Heldrich Center proposed policy recommendations for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of these training and education programs and strategies.


Improving Education and Training for Older Workers (report) (March 2015)

Improving Education and Training for Older Workers (brief) (March 2015)