Ready and Able: Conclusion

April 1, 2011

The NTAR Leadership Center conducted a national research study on employer and market-driven initiatives to recruit, hire, train, and retain people with disabilities.

To support its work, the NTAR Leadership Center conducted a national research study on employer and market-driven initiatives to recruit, hire, train, and retain people with disabilities entitled, “Ready and Able: Addressing Labor Market Needs and Building Productive Careers for People with Disabilities – Models for Innovation.” The goal of this research was to identify successful elements of these strategies and offer lessons that can be learned by employers and employer organizations; workforce development and disability service organizations; and federal, state, and local policymakers.

The profiles in the report document initiatives to employ people with disabilities driven by active, engaged employers who have collaborated with trusted organizations to understand their business needs, and assist them in finding the right talent at the right time. The profiles highlight important lessons for policymakers, practitioners, and employers and are presented through the four findings of the study.

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