Management of the September 11th Fund’s Employment Assistance Program

January 1, 2002

From 2002 to 2004, the Heldrich Center worked with the September 11th Fund to provide grants management, technical assistance, research, and performance monitoring to the Fund’s $78 million Employment Assistance Program, which served over 11,000 workers dislocated from their jobs in lower Manhattan following the terrorist attacks of 2001.

From 2002 to 2004, the Heldrich Center worked with the September 11th Fund to provide grants management, technical assistance, research, and performance monitoring to the Fund’s $78 million Employment Assistance Program, which served over 11,000 workers dislocated from their jobs in lower Manhattan following the terrorist attacks of 2001. The center developed a comprehensive program design that was used to launch the program quickly in Fall 2002 and then worked collaboratively with the Fund and a multitude of selected service providers in New York City, New Jersey, and Long Island to manage the program until its conclusion in December 2004. The center also managed the project’s database and provided performance monitoring and analysis on a daily and weekly basis. The project culminated in a center-sponsored symposium about lessons learned from the program, and the development of several final reports on technical aspects of the project.


AFTERSHOCK: Serving 9/11 Displaced Workers

Demographic Profile of Participants Enrolled in the September 11th Fund’s Employment Assistance Program

Employment Assistance Program Focus Group Report

September 11th Fund Employment Assistance Program: Performance Outcomes

Service Activity Report for Participants Enrolled in the September 11th Fund’s Employment Assistance Program

Trying to Become the Person I Was Before: 9/11 Displaced Workers and the Employment Assistance Program