Great Recession and Serving Dislocated Workers with Disabilities: Perspectives from One-Stop Career Centers and Rapid Response Coordinators
Examines serving dislocated workers with disabilities.
In 2010, under its work for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Policy and the NTAR Leadership Center, the Heldrich Center conducted research to explore issues related to long-term unemployment and dislocated workers with disabilities, including whether people with disabilities who had lost their jobs were seeking services from the public workforce system. Among the research questions were how the population of unemployed workers served by One-Stop Career Centers appeared to have changed from the perspective of frontline staff; to what extent vocational rehabilitation counselors and others knowledgeable about serving people with disabilities are involved in reemployment and Rapid Response efforts; and what targeted strategies, if any, state and local governments are using to provide reemployment assistance to dislocated workers with self-reported disabilities.