Evaluation of the PepsiCo Achieving Change Together Employment Innovation Initiative

December 11, 2015

Evaluation of a corporate project designed to increase the number of employees with disabilities working for PepsiCo.

From 2014 to 2016, the Heldrich Center conducted an implementation evaluation for the Kessler Foundation and the Poses Foundation of the Achieving Change Together (ACT) Employment Innovation Initiative, a corporate disability and inclusion project designed to increase the number of qualified employees with disabilities working for PepsiCo, and to improve their employment outcomes and career experiences. With assistance from the national not-for-profit Ability Beyond, Inc., PepsiCo implemented the ACT initiative in eight pilot sites across the nation, with specific components of the model replicated at each site. These components were designed to improve the application, screening, ranking, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding processes as well as retention at PepsiCo. The Heldrich Center conducted a process evaluation of the program and collected data through employee and hiring manager surveys, interviews with program operators as well as through the analysis of participant data collected by Ability Beyond.

Work Category
Funded By
A grant from the Kessler Foundation and the Poses Foundation.