Evaluation of the New Jersey STEM Pathway Network and STEM Learning Ecosystem

January 1, 2017

Assessment of the New Jersey Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Pathways Network.

In 2017, the Heldrich Center was asked by the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE) to conduct an implementation assessment of the Secretary’s signature initiative — the New Jersey Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Pathways Network (NJSPN), an effort developed to provide New Jersey’s students with STEM education and experiences they need to succeed in college, career, and life. NJSPN was initiated by OSHE in 2014 as a public-private strategic alliance established to inform the alignment of STEM resources, support an education-to-workforce STEM pipeline, identify exemplary formal and informal learning opportunities, and promote STEM career pathway awareness. In 2017, the Research & Development Council of New Jersey was selected to manage NJSPN.

Work Category
Funded By
Research & Development Council of New Jersey and the Overdeck Family Foundation
