Development of a Career Planning Course at Rutgers University

Developed a career planning course for the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University.

Worked with School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University to develop a unique one-credit pilot course to help undergraduate students better align their choice of major, course selection, and other college activities with their career interests and labor market realities. The course included in-person lectures and online components, including a variety of resources made available online and assignments that led students through online research tools. To develop this course, the partners reviewed approximately 20 curricula from peer institutions, which focused exclusively on career interest assessment and career development theory and activities, including résumé writing and interviewing tips. The curriculum provided an innovative approach by integrating information on the labor market as part of major selection to promote degree completion and future labor market success. The course, now known as Career Explorations in the Arts and Sciences, continues to be a popular choice for undergraduate students at Rutgers.

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Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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