Evaluation of the Every Talent/Every Skill/Add Us In Grant Program

Conducted evaluation of program designed to build a more inclusive workplace by hiring and promoting New Jersey and New York residents with disabilities.

The Heldrich Center worked with the National Organization on Disability (NOD) to conduct an implementation evaluation of its U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy’s Add Us In grant entitled, “Every Talent/Every Skill” (ET/ES). The ET/ES project served northern New Jersey and New York City’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT), minority, and women-owned businesses that sought to build a more inclusive workplace by hiring and promoting New Jersey and New York residents with disabilities. Through the grant, NOD looked to build partnerships with employers, state vocational rehabilitation offices, the public workforce system, youth transition organizations, the GLBT Chamber of Commerce as well as representatives of groups of black, female, and Hispanic business owners to help people with disabilities become employed in competitive employment.

Work Category
Funded By
The WorkPlace and the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy