Work Trends Surveys on Jobs and Economic Security

June 9, 2015

Surveys examining American workers’ opinions about their work-life balance and feelings about the economy.

A series of Work Trends surveys examined American workers’ opinions about their work-life balance and feelings about the economy. Disquiet about the economy and uncertainty of the future were expressed in Anxious American Worker. Overall job satisfaction remained high at the time of the survey, though the positive number masked underlying concerns such as work life and hours worked. At a Crossroads examined concerns about the state of the economy on the eve of the 2004 presidential election. Distressed American Worker looked at the negative impact the Great Recession had on the lives of Americans as well as concerns about the unemployment rate, the high rate of layoffs, and disruption in the workplace due to layoffs, as well as the balance between work and family priorities. Holding On analyzed workers’ views on job security, job satisfaction, job prospects, and the direction of federal policy in a time of rapid transformation in the economy and workforce. The implications of the information age were reviewed in Nothing But Net by focusing on workers’ experiences with computers in the workplace and their perceptions about their futures and the role of government in the information age. Standing on Shaky Ground looked at the effect of the early 2000s recession and the terror attacks of 2001 on the nation’s employers. At the time of the 2000 presidential election, Who Will Let the Good Times Roll? examined candidates’ positions on jobs and how their positions would affect how American workers vote as well as the desire for government to address education issues, retirement benefits, and health and medical benefits.


Anxious American Worker (August 2008)

At a Crossroads: American Workers Assess Jobs and Economic Security Amid the Race for President (October 2004)

Distressed American Worker: Fears of Permanent Job Loss Soar (April 2009)

Holding On: Americans Assess a Changing Economic Landscape (March 2001)

Nothing But Net: American Workers and the Information Economy (February 2000)

Standing on Shaky Ground: Employers Sharply Concerned in Aftermath of Receession and Terror (February 2002)

Who Will Let the Good Times Roll? A National Survey on Jobs, the Economy, and the Race for President (January 2000)

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Funded By
Private contributions to the Heldrich Center