Management of New Jersey’s centralized longitudinal data system for education and workforce data.
Research Products by Research Area
Quantitative Data Analysis
Middlesex County Workforce Development Partnership Assistance
Measurement and assessment of the performance of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Workforce Partnership Initiative.
Rutgers Child Care Research Collaborative
Research studies about the childcare industry in New Jersey.
Career Pathways for TANF Recipients and TANF-Eligible Individuals
Measurement and assessment of the performance of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Workforce Partnership Initiative.
Adult Literacy: Title I and Title II Integration Study
Examination of the extent to which Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act workforce development services and adult literacy services are integrated in New Jersey.
Impact and Influence of AI in New Jersey
In-depth examination of the impact and influence of artificial intelligence on the future of the technology and life sciences sector workforces in New Jersey.
Evaluation of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Services in Program Year 2020–21
Analysis of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act career and training services delivered from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021.
New Jersey TDI/FLI/Paid ESL Study
Study about New Jersey workers’ awareness of Temporary Disability Insurance and Family Leave Insurance policies and of the paid Earned Sick Leave policy in New Jersey.
Evaluating the Lifelong Learning Account Pilot Project
Evaluation of a pilot program that funds training for unemployed and underemployed low-income individuals without a degree or credential in New Jersey.
Seeking Work in South Jersey Workforce Access Project
Analysis of the labor force landscape in southern New Jersey and barriers that job seekers and hiring managers face.
Competitive Integrated Employment
Evaluation of seven pilot projects aimed at moving employers to a competitive integrated employment work model.
Inclusive Healthy Communities
Evaluation of grant program designed to promote the health and well-being of people with disabilities in their communities.
Research Support for the New Jersey Office of the Governor
Project management and research support to the New Jersey Office of the Governor’s task forces on artificial intelligence and wealth disparities.
Enhanced Wage Records Feasibility Study
Study to examine whether additional data could be collected to monitor wage-related outcomes in New Jersey.
Labor Force Participation Analysis
In-depth analysis of labor force participation.
Voices of the Unemployed
Verbatim comments from participants in an August 2011 Work Trends survey.
Labor Market Outcomes of Community Colleges
Calculated employment outcomes for individuals in credit-granting programs at New Jersey’s 19 community colleges for the period from 2002 through 2006.
Exploring Postsecondary and Workforce Outcomes of CTE Graduates
Data analysis to understand how career and technical education completers from the classes of 2014 and 2015 transition into postsecondary education and the workforce.
Higher Education Student Assistance Authority Study
Data analysis to examine the efficacy of the Tuition Aid Grant program.
New Jersey Small Business Development Centers Project
Research study