
New Start Career Network

July 2015

More than 4 in 10 of New Jersey’s unemployed job seekers — over 125,000 individuals — have been jobless for more than six months, giving New Jersey one of the highest rates of long-term unemployment in the nation. Three-quarters of these individuals have been unemployed over a year, and half of them are over the age of 45. The public workforce system provides few services targeted specifically to the needs of older, long-term unemployed job seekers. Additionally, reliable, unbiased information for job seekers can be hard to find. Many employers are reluctant to hire these individuals, even when job seekers have the requisite skills and experiences.

In 2015, the Heldrich Center launched the New Start Career Network, an initiative to assist New Jersey’s long-term unemployed to reenter the workforce. Led by the Heldrich Center in collaboration with over 25 organizations, including private-sector employers, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and a network of volunteer career coaches. The New Start Career Network provided — free of charge — job search, résumé, and interviewing tools; job coaching; and training opportunities with employers. New Jerseyans age 45 and older who have been unemployed longer than six months are eligible to join the network.

Project Staff

Research Areas



Project Sponsor

The Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation. Additional support has also been provided by New Jersey Resources, Amazon, the Fund for New Jersey, the AARP Foundation, DirectEmployers Association, Rutgers University Career Services, and other organizations.

Approaches & Services

Evaluation, Statistics, Data visualizaiton, sample services