Evaluation of integrated unemployment assessment and reemployment program for dislocated workers receiving unemployment compensation.
Research Products by Research Area
Unemployment and Reemployment
Work Trends Surveys on the Great Recession
Surveys on the impact of the Great Recession.
Work Trends Survey on the Economy and Employee Layoffs
Survey of American workers and employers about the effects of the post-9/11 recession.
Older Workers, the Great Recession, and the Impact of Long-Term Unemployment
Development of a research paper on older workers and long-term unemployment.
Solutions at Work: Progress Report, 1997-2007
Ten-year progress report.
Management of the September 11th Fund’s Employment Assistance Program
From 2002 to 2004, the Heldrich Center worked with the September 11th Fund to provide grants management, technical assistance, research, and performance monitoring to the Fund’s $78 million Employment Assistance Program, which served over 11,000 workers dislocated from their jobs in lower Manhattan following the terrorist attacks of 2001.
Unemployment Insurance Promoting Equity Projects
Development of metrics and quantitative analyses to assess the equitability of Unemployment Insurance compensation.
Enhanced Wage Records Feasibility Study
Study to examine whether additional data could be collected to monitor wage-related outcomes in New Jersey.
Research on Implications of Displacement for Older Workers
Research on the implications of displacement for older workers.
2012 Annual Report
Reflects on the achievements and accomplishments of the Heldrich Center in 2012.
Community College Strategies to Serve Adults in Transition: Dislocated Workers, Older Job Seekers, and Job Seekers with Disabilities
Webinar about serving adults in transition.
Examples of Promising Current Community College Initiatives to Serve Older and Dislocated Workers
A brief highlighting community colleges’ efforts to assist older adults.
Voices of the Unemployed
Verbatim comments from participants in an August 2011 Work Trends survey.
Shattered American Dream: Unemployed Workers Lose Ground, Hope, and Faith in their Futures
Documents dramatic erosion in the quality of life for millions of Americans as a result of the Great Recession.
Research for the Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College
Development of research products about the unemployment of older workers.
Evaluation of the New Jersey Individual Training Grant Program for Dislocated Workers
Evaluation to measure the employment experiences of dislocated workers who received a training grant from the State of New Jersey.
Working Hard But Staying Poor: A National Survey of the Working Poor and Unemployed
Analysis of employment issues most important to the working poor and unemployed.
Modernizing the Unemployment Insurance System
In-depth examination of the innovative approaches to modernizing the Unemployment Insurance system implemented in New Jersey during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Long-term Unemployed Older Workers Persist in a Boom Economy
New brief discusses survey findings on long-term unemployed older workers as well as offers suggestions for the public workforce system.
No Man’s Land
Explores the struggles and challenges of older workers in today’s economy.