Strategically Virtual

July 26, 2021

Outlines how the public workforce system can use technology and community partnerships to expand services, address job seeker mental and emotional well-being, and ensure that a broader range of the public is able to access supports.

The Strategically Virtual series builds off the lessons learned from the Suddenly Virtual series to explore how to provide guidance to the public workforce system on being more strategically virtual, particularly how that could be operationalized at the state and local levels. The Strategically Virtual series envisions how the public workforce system could engage community resources and partners to holistically address job seeker needs, addressing physical and psychological safety in addition to more traditional job search supports and skill development. Strategically Virtual has developed a framework for job seeker services and produces issue briefs, Medium blog posts, practical guides, and more.


Issue Briefs

A Review of New Jersey Public Libraries’ Virtual Services

Effective Job Search Support in the Time of COVID

Implementing Job Search Services in a Virtual Environment

Voices from the Field: Workforce Responses to COVID-19

Lessons Learned from the New Jersey Career Network Job Seeker Community

Long-term Unemployed Older Workers Persist in a Boom Economy

Blog Posts

Digital Equity During COVID-19: How New Jersey Public Libraries are Expanding Broadband and Device Access

Strategically Virtual: Offering Wellness Activities in a Virtual Environment

Strategically Virtual: A Review of New Jersey Public Libraries’ Virtual Services

Strategically Virtual: Effective Job Search Support in the Time of COVID

Five Reasons the Public Workforce System Should be Doubling Down on Virtual Services

Strategically Virtual: The Rise of Behavioral Assessments in Hiring

Strategically Virtual: The Shift Toward Virtual Interviewing and what it Means for the Public Workforce System

Strategically Virtual: The Value of Chunking Information for Job Seekers

Strategically Virtual: Job Search Burnout and Strategies for Prioritizing Well-Being

Incorporating Wellness Programming into Job Search

Mobile Engagement: How the Public Workforce System Can Stay Connected with Customers

Strategically Virtual - Voices from the Field: Workforce Responses to COVID-19

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