In 2011, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJLWD) launched the Talent Network initiative to improve connections among employers, job seekers, and education and workforce providers to ensure the delivery of a skilled workforce for key industries. The Talent Network concept grew out of earlier work the Heldrich Center and others performed on prior federal and state grants, including Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development, as well as through the center’s extensive work on the Ready for the Job project. In 2011, NJLWD launched six Talent Networks in industries important to the state’s economy. The Heldrich Center was selected to the lead the Transportation, Logistics, and Distribution Talent Network (TLD-TN) and operated this network between 2011 and 2015. Under this effort, the Heldrich Center TLD-TN team worked to better understand and address employer needs in the industry; better inform workforce and education staff, students, and job seekers about career prospects in the industry; and look for ways to improve the alignment of degree and course content with industry skill needs. TLD-TN acted as the primary point of contact for industry employers that had workforce needs, connecting employers to the right resources in workforce and education to address their needs.
New Jersey Transportation, Logistics, and Distribution Talent Network
October 2020
Project Sponsor
New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Approaches & Services
Evaluation, Statistics, Data visualizaiton, sample services