Andrea Hetling has been invited to join Rutgers University’s prestigious Provost Leadership Research Fellowship program for the spring and fall 2023 semesters. Fellows in the program assist Rutgers University with research strategic planning. They also assist in implementing the goals of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, which provides advice and planning for Rutgers’ research initiatives and priorities.
Dr. Hetling’s research interests focus on how public programs and policies can support economic well-being and financial stability among vulnerable populations, including families living in poverty and survivors of intimate partner violence.
Dr. Hetling commented, “I am excited to work with the team at the Office of the Vice Provost for Research to further their important mission of promoting a ‘culture of faculty and student innovative and inclusive research,’ a goal that matches well with the applied and policy-relevant research of the Heldrich Center and the Bloustein School.”
Dr. Hetling is a Professor at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Associate Director of the Heldrich Center.