Awareness of New Jersey’s Earned Sick Leave: Testimonials Among New Jersey Workers and Worker Advocates

October 13, 2023

Presents findings and recommendations interviews with workers and advocates about New Jersey’s newly expanded paid earned sick leave law.

In October 2019, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development asked the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development to conduct a study on these paid leave policies in New Jersey. The Heldrich Center partnered with the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations’ Center for Women and Work to support data collection and analysis. This study was designed to provide information to inform the implementation, outreach, and consumer/industry education for these three programs. The study was conducted in two phases: interviews with workers and advocates on earned sick leave, and repeated public opinion polling on all three programs. This report presents findings and recommendations from 29 interviews with workers and advocates and focused solely on New Jersey’s newly expanded paid earned sick leave law.